Below is a list of some of our forms, checklists, and other important documents that will be used in the business transaction process. Feel free to view, download, and print these documents for your review and information. We may ask you to visit this page later to complete certain pertinent documents and forms along the way or simply reference them for your personal use as a means of educating you in the business transaction process. Please note you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view most of the documents below. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions regarding any of these documents…
Owners Discretionary Income Checklist / Owners Cash Flow with Add-Backs
This form once complete would represent the true Owner Cash Flow for your business that is available to a buyer. Your business would generally sell for a multiple of that adjusted cash flow number found at the bottom of this completed worksheet. Download the form below, fill out and total to the bottom and call us at 212-661-4160 to discuss an appropriate multiple and fair market valuation for your specific business.
*We offer FREE Business Valuations and Consultations. Their is no cost, it’s our pleasure to speak with you and give you our best advise.
Owners Discretionary Income Checklist
Business Sale Checklist
If you’ve decided to sell your business everything you need to prepare and gather in advance of selling can be found within this document.
Required Files for Listed Businesses
What we will need to value your business as accurately as possible and to successfully sell it.
*Not all required files apply to all businesses.
Required Files for Listed Businesses