Broker Name:Lisiten Associates
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Listed Price: $ 49,500,000
Listing ID: XCNY-PAT33

Listing DetailsGross Revenue: $ 400,000
Cash Flow: $ 150,000
Inventory: $ 50,000 (Included in Price)
Form of Ownership: LLC
Reason for Sale:

Owners are a Practicing Attorney and well known Surgeon.


Training & Support:


Listing SummaryBusiness Description:

 The only globally patented & branded chewing gum, wafer, and medicinal powder that effectively solves three huge problems:


1. BE Gum removes all pre-cancerous residual components and traces of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and other toxic chemicals left behind in the oral cavity after consumption (patented)


2. BE Gum is a disposable oral cavity pharmaceutical delivery device (patented)


3. BE Gum marketed as Breathalyzer Equalizer Gum and Medicinal Powder removes residual mouth alcohol left behind in the oral cavity after alcohol consumption to ensure a reliable and accurate breathalyzer reading (patented)


*This is the only patented and clinically tested product that has achieved a clinical reduction in mouth levels to toxic carcinogens.


**This is the sale of a globally patented & branded chewing gum that has lead to a scientific breakthrough in the cancer space preventing oral and upper digestive cancers, including viral transfers.


It is a well known fact that carcinogens and other residual chemical components left behind in the oral cavity after smoking, chewing tobacco or consuming alcohol causes many different types of cancers both in the mouth and other parts of the digestive tract and body.  


This patented gum is manufactured utilizing a special proprietary cold press technology that allows the gum to absorb these carcinogens within the oral cavity after which you simply throw the gum away. 


When the process is reversed the gum becomes a disposable oral cavity pharmaceutical delivery device. Oral delivery allows more direct vascular access to the brain, cardiac, renal and pulmonary systems.


Breathalyzer Equalizer Gum removes residual mouth alcohol left behind in the oral cavity after alcohol consumption to ensure a reliable and accurate breathalyzer field sobriety reading. 

A breathalyzer test for DUI is administered to accurately measure the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of an individual, not the level of alcohol remaining in the oral cavity.  

In addition, mouth sprays, belching, asthma inhalers and vomit for example will give a false positive DUI reading.

Chewing the Breathalyzer Equalizer Gum before a breathalyzer test will ensure an accurate field reading. 


*This is the only patented and clinically tested product that has been proven to effectively reduces the risk of false positives on roadside breathalyzer tests and achieve a clinical reduction in mouth levels.


**Breathalyzer Equalizer Gum only absorbs the residual alcohol from the oral cavity (mouth) and has no impact on a persons true Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC).  


This companies proven effective non-pharmaceutical over the counter chewing gum should be available over the counter wherever gum is sold. 

In addition, vending machines can be setup in Restaurants, Bars, Colleges & Universities and many other places to sell both the gum and the wafers for consumers to test blood alcohol levels themselves after alcohol consumption. 

These vending machines will also carry advertising as another avenue of revenue.  


Current Operations:

A domestic vending and licensing company has recently been identified and signed who has taken the lead in licensing, distributing and managing all products and relationships in the top 10 DUI cities in the US.  


An agreement has been signed with an Australia based corporation who is the first International  licensee. 

This aggressive licensee will begin distributing product in Australian convenience stores and is considering negotiating for additional licenses in Asia, New Zealand and Europe in the near future.  


A European E-Commerce partner has recently started distributing product in London via Amazon and other online Pharma Sites.


Below are links to the Breathalyzer Equalizer website and to videos with CNN, CBS and Ron Lloyd, a DUI expert and former Georgia State Trooper explaining and showing how the Breathalyzer Equalizer Gum works in the field to ensure an accurate reading and avoid wrongful DUI arrest through residual mouth alcohol.


Clinical Studies:

Recently conducted clinical trials prove this products effectiveness and its limitless possibilities for…


1) Oral Hygiene

2) HPV

3) Root Canal Residue Extraction

4) Tobacco

5) Cellular Protection for Precancerous Oral Genomes.

6) Precancerous Post Alcohol Breakdown Residue.

7) Alcohol Residue Remover for Worldwide Breath Testing Devices

8) Chronic Halitosis

9) Binding Agent for Viral and Bacterial Transfer


The BE products group recently completed independent and controlled clinical studies at both Emory University and The Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University. 

Both studies determined that BE Products clinically and significantly reduced residual mouth alcohol and reduced false positives on road side breathalyzer machines in a controlled environment.  

This study was independently reviewed by law enforcement and all results were confirmed.

The product has recently received 3rd party validation from local law enforcement as well. 


Phase II clinical studies are in development to determine therapeutic oral delivery of phosphorus binding supplement to prevent abnormal bone calcium loss in chronic kidney disease stage iii and iv patients. A significant percentage of CKD patients are due to diabetes.


Below are links to the Breathalyzer Equalizer website and to videos with CNN, CBS and Ron Lloyd, a DUI expert and former Georgia State Trooper explaining and showing how the Breathalyzer Equalizer Gum works in the field to ensure an accurate reading and avoid wrongful DUI arrest through residual mouth alcohol.


Historical Summary:

 In 2012 DUI attorney Preston Haliburton witnessed firsthand the harmful effects of a false DUI arrest.

Mr. Haliburton went on a mission to solve this problem and found the answer in Ron Lloyd, a former State Trooper and DUI expert who shared the same concerns.

A partnership was immediately formed to help minimize and eradicate the possibility of being subjected to a false DUI arrest due to a virtually unknown problem to the motoring public called Residual Mouth Alcohol.

Preston and Ron then began a journey that lasted over a year, searching for the perfect medical professional to make this idea become a reality.

Through this lengthy process, they found the solution in Mccoy Moretz, MD FACS, a top surgeon in Beverly Hills, California, who has roots in Georgia as a practicing physician, as well as a background in chemistry and human physiology.

Once the team was formed, the three spent more than a year researching and developing the formula that would only absorb the residual alcohol from the oral cavity (mouth) and have no impact on a person’s true Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), which is now known as the Breathalyzer Equalizer Gum or BE GUM.


Owner Qualifications:

Prior business experience a plus



Potential Growth:





Global Online Sales Platform and Fulfillment Center


OperationYear Established: 2012
Absentee Owner: No